openPSTD  2.0
Open source simulation for sound propagation in urban environments
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::BoundaryModels a boundary between two domains
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::WisdomCache::DiscretizationStorage of the wave number discretizations
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::DomainConfInterface representation of the domain
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::DomainConfEdgeInterface values for boundaries of domains
 COpenPSTD::GUI::EdgeThis class is specificaly for horizontal edges and vertical edges
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::EdgeParametersThe impedance parameter and locally reaction switch for a boundary
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::FieldLValuesThe spatial derivatives of the pressure and velocity in x and y direction
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::FieldValuesThe observed state variables
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::KernelCallbackCallback interface for communication with the CLI or the GUI
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::KernelInterfaceThe kernel API
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::WisdomCache::Planset_FFTWStorage of the plans used in the Fast Fourier Transform
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::PMLArraysThe arrays used for attenuating the pressure and velocities at the boundaries of the domain
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::PointThe points of the grid, represented by 2D integer vectors
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::PSTDConfigurationRepresentation of the scene configuration
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::PSTDSettingsA collection of parameters and settings for the simulation
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::ReceiverMeasure pressure values on a fixed location in the scene
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::RhoArrayStruct with arrays containing the reflection and transmission coefficients of the pressure and the velocity
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::SceneCollection of the rectangular domains
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::SimulationMetadataData not obtained in running openPSTD but necessary for representing the information
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::SolverComponent that computes the state variables of the scene for consecutive time steps
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::SpeakerLocations and amplitude of initial sound pressure
 COpenPSTD::Kernel::WisdomCacheStorage of the accumulated wisdom in the simulation