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Open source simulation for sound propagation in urban environments
►COpenPSTD::GUI::BaseOperation | |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::Boundary | Models a boundary between two domains |
COpenPSTD::CLI::CLIDomainAdd | |
COpenPSTD::CLI::CLIDomainChange | |
COpenPSTD::CLI::CLIEdgeAbsorption | |
►COpenPSTD::CLI::CLIExport | |
COpenPSTD::CLI::CLISpeakerReceiverAdd | |
►COpenPSTD::CLI::Command | |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::WisdomCache::Discretization | Storage of the wave number discretizations |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::DomainConf | Interface representation of the domain |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::DomainConfEdge | Interface values for boundaries of domains |
COpenPSTD::GUI::Edge | This class is specificaly for horizontal edges and vertical edges |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::EdgeParameters | The impedance parameter and locally reaction switch for a boundary |
►COpenPSTD::CLI::EditCommandPart | |
►Cenable_shared_from_this | |
►Cexception | |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::FieldLValues | The spatial derivatives of the pressure and velocity in x and y direction |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::FieldValues | The observed state variables |
►CInvalidationData | |
►COpenPSTD::Kernel::KernelCallback | Callback interface for communication with the CLI or the GUI |
►COpenPSTD::Kernel::KernelInterface | The kernel API |
►COpenPSTD::GUI::Layer | |
COpenPSTD::GUI::MinMaxValue | |
►COpenPSTD::GUI::MouseStrategy | |
►COpenPSTD::GUI::OperationRunner | |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::WisdomCache::Planset_FFTW | Storage of the plans used in the Fast Fourier Transform |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::PMLArrays | The arrays used for attenuating the pressure and velocities at the boundaries of the domain |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::Point | The points of the grid, represented by 2D integer vectors |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::PSTDConfiguration | Representation of the scene configuration |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::PSTDSettings | A collection of parameters and settings for the simulation |
►CQDialog | |
►CQMainWindow | |
►CQOpenGLWidget | |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::Receiver | Measure pressure values on a fixed location in the scene |
COpenPSTD::GUI::Reciever | |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::RhoArray | Struct with arrays containing the reflection and transmission coefficients of the pressure and the velocity |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::Scene | Collection of the rectangular domains |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::SimulationMetadata | Data not obtained in running openPSTD but necessary for representing the information |
COpenPSTD::GUI::Snapping | |
COpenPSTD::GUI::SnappingSettings | |
►COpenPSTD::Kernel::Solver | Component that computes the state variables of the scene for consecutive time steps |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::Speaker | Locations and amplitude of initial sound pressure |
COpenPSTD::GUI::VisualSettings | |
COpenPSTD::Kernel::WisdomCache | Storage of the accumulated wisdom in the simulation |